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2018年06月11日 10:18  点击:[]

双语(或多语)是语言学习中的普遍现象。作为广东省普通高校哲学社会科学重点实验室,广东外语外贸大学双语认知与发展实验室(Bilingual Cognition and Development Lab)致力于探索语言理解、产出及习得中的重要课题,尤其是汉英双语学习及双语认知相关问题,并侧重探讨高级口译人才在学习过程中的心理及认知神经机制。实验室由脑电室、眼动室、知觉室、行为室及数据分析室构成,采用心理语言学传统的行为研究方法(反应时、问卷和眼动追踪技术)及神经科学先进的实验技术——脑电(ERP)与功能性核磁共振(fMRI),为语言学、心理学、认知神经科学等学科开展语言及其他人类认知活动研究提供专业的场所。


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Bilingualism or multilingualism has aroused considerable interest among researchers as a widespread language learning phenomenon. The Bilingual Cognition and Development Lab, as a key lab for social sciences of Guangdong Province, is established with a mission to better understand the cognitive processes of bilingual learning and development. Traditional behavioral research methods of psycholinguistics (e.g., response time, questionnaire and eye tracking) as well as neuroscience methodologies (e.g., ERP technique and fMRI) are employed to address specifically the questions of bilingual cognition (e.g., how do languages interact in the mind of bilinguals at levels of phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse and pragmatics?), bilingual development (e.g.,how do bilingual abilities evolve?) and cognitive mechanisms of interpreting(e.g., what’s the relationship between interpreting training and general cognitive abilities?).

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